Thursday, May 2, 2013

How To Browse free Online With Your PC,Mobile Phone,Laptop,Tablet

Am here to give you the latest Tweak which you can use for your Internet connection in other to save your money....Am sure the main problem of most internet gurus is the cost which they spend for internet connection...

 Though this tweak will only last for a while,lets benefit from it now its still available..

All you need is an airtel sim card...

Step 1  - Recharge the airtel sim card with #400 credit,make sure its not more than #400..not #401,#402,#403

Step 2 -  Save this Code on your mobile phone where the airtel simcard is code{*440*5#} it as A, so that it will be the first contact in your mobile phone

Step 3 - Get another mobile phone with another simcard and keep it by your side

Step 4  - Use your airtel Simcard to call the other mobile phone by your side

Step 5 - While the phone is ringing simply Press your contact button and dial the code you saved as A{*440*5#}

Step 6 - You will receive an error message,dont mind them just press the back button not the red button..

Note-  You must do all this while the phone is still ringing....

After the call dial *123*10# to check you would ne 100mb or there about but your money will still be intact..

Do this as many times and get alot of mb to browse in your PC,Mobile e.t.c...

You must be very careful while practicing to avoid your credit being deducted....Only do this while the network is clear and Dont be greedy oooo.....If you make any mistake,am sorry...Your account will be deducted

                             Feel free to share with others

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