1. Helium : Helium has many, many ways to get paid to write. You can earn monthly, earn by article, and even win contests and badges. Helium is well worth checking out. You won't be disappointed! Write articles for pay in the Marketplace, or publish previously written articles to appropriate titles. Helium has a ratings system in place, and you can earn writing stars based on your overall writing percentage. Badges given for accomplishments and pay are through Paypal account. Start making money from Helium by visiting www.helium.com to sign up.
2. Constant-content.com: By writing articles on Constant contents, you get paid for either selling your articles or any of your articles that gets massive readership. There are millions of individuals who are waiting to
pay for your knowledge and give you money in exchange for your articles. The good thing about Constant content is that you can actually submit your article and set the price you want to sell it. That is, you can write an article and give it a dollar price. I love this website because I have made money with them several times. You too can by visiting www.constant-content.com and signing up.
3.Associatedcontent.com : Associated content is quite popular website and individuals can get paid for writing articles on this particular website. Associated content pays you through a method called PPM.The baseline PPM rate is $1.50 for every thousand page views your content receives. In lay man terms,When you write an article (just like in the article example I gave above) and your article is viewed by 1000 people, you earn $1.50. If another 1,000 individuals view your website making 2,000 views, you earn $3. The good thing about Associated Content is that they have millions of visitors on a daily basis coming to their website, therefore, its quite easy for you to reach 10,000 views easily. You also have this run on autopilot!....Which means, when your write an article, it will stay on Associated content for years to come and the more views it generate, the more money you make (even when you’ve forgotten that you wrote the article. With this website alone,you can earn hundreds of dollars per month in Payment alone! Get on to www.associatedcontent.com to start making money rightaway
4. Bukisa.com: Bukisa works exactly like Associated Content, however, they have a higher pay than associated content. Bukisa runs something called a Current Index (which is at $3.95). This means that bukisa pays you $3.95 for every one thousand views that reads your articles. Bukisa does not require exclusive rights, which means you can equally publish articles you’ve written in the past on their website. I have a lot of articles I have written on our blog at www.opportunityworld.biz/blog that i republished on Bukisa. You also receive earnings from three level friend referral program. I am making money from Bukisa, you too can, Go on to sign up at www.bukisa.com
5. eHow: The major reason people go online is to find out how to do one thing or the other. And that is what ehow.com is all about. It’s a place to get paid to write “how to” articles on anything that you can think of.
There is one or things you know how to do. By writing about it, you’ll be able to make money from Ehow. Imagine writing “how to cure headlice, How to play football, How to watch premiership matches, How to make money, How to fly a plane, How to drive a car, How to walk 10 kms etc”All these are articles accepted on EHow. Since Ehow have a high search engine traffic, you earn a lot of money with EHow. EHow Shares a portion of their Google Ad earnings with you. The more article you write, the more money you make. Go to www.ehow.com to sign up right now.
6. Xomba is a fun place to write articles and also build a community.Xomba enable you to set up your own Google Adsense account or use an existing one. Xomba has millions of visitors on a daily basis, so you are
guaranteed of visitors to your articles. Xomba split profit with you from legitimate clicks on your articles. You too can start making money right away by signing up with xomba and writing your articles. Sign up with
Xomba at www.xomba.com
7. Squidoo: Squidoo is super fun, as it's a mix of writing, and creating a web page. Take your pre-written articles and turn them into a webpage!!!Squidoo refers to it's pages as 'Lenses' and you get to create a lens on anything at all that you have some knowledge about. Compete with other lenses, advertise your own business, include affiliate links, add a poll, etc. Squidoo splits it's advertising money with you. Watch your money add up. Earn from advertising revenue and affiliate revenue from Amazon, eBay, Cafe Press and more! Squidoo is AWESOME!! Sign up at www.squidoo.com
8. Triond: I am so completely sure of this one as you get paid per article you write. Triond accept articles, poetry as well as videos and pay you $0.60 for every 200 views you have. This means you get paid $3.00 for every 100 viewss you have to your articles. This method is a lucrative one as you continue to earn even months and years after you’ve written them. You can start with Triond at www.triond.com
Now that you have the top 8 article websites, there are other major article paying websites too, but these are the top 8 that works perfectly well for me. I can say again and again that I have made money with these websites and you too can make money with them too. All you need to do is sign up and start writing articles with them.